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Hyperacusis Testimonials – What it is like to live with pain to sound

▷ Hyperacusis Recovery Stories 👂 Success Stories 🔊

Hyperacusis Patient Success Stories

Is there a solution for hyperacusis?

Do you suffer from hyperacusis and want to tell your story?

Success Story Hyperacusis – Eagle Syndrome

Would you like to hear María José’s story? She suffered from hyperacusis and since she discovered that it was related to Eagle Syndrome she has been able to overcome it. Click on the button below to learn more

Caso de éxito de Hiperacusia y Síndrome de Eagle
Does hyperacusis have a solution? – Watch Maria Jose’s Testimonial

What do you want to learn about?

Do you have hyperacusis and have you ever felt misunderstood?

Fill in the following form explaining your case

Let’s make society understand this disease
