When did your hyperacusis start, at what age, and can you associate it with anything?
I developed hyperacusis in January of 2023 from playing the drums. I’m devastated that I can no longer do the things that I love to do anymore. My life is really limited and I don’t know how I’ll be able to earn money. I’ve been to an Audiologist that suggested that I do sound therapy. He recommended that I purchase a device that costs $2800 to do the sound therapy. I don’t know what to do. I have pain hyperacusis. I’m 50 years old
When did your hyperacusis start, at what age, and can you associate it with anything?
I have a very low tolerance for sound. I can’t handle normal conversations and I have to talk softly or the sound of my own voice hurts my ears. I can’t tolerate any digital sounds. The tinnitus at times gets really loud
I debuted with hyperacusis in January 2023 from playing drums. I am devastated because I can no longer do the things I love to do. My life is really limited and I don’t know how I’ll be able to make a living.
What symptoms do you have, do you feel pain, how would you describe them?
Certain sounds cause pain and can’t have a constant aching pain in my ears. I had stabbing pains but they went away. The stabbing pains are coming back now
What treatments have you tried? Which one has given you the best results?
I haven’t tried any treatments yet. I’ve been taking magnesium, vitamin B12 and zinc For tinnitus. I’ve taken Ambroxol and CBD oil for the pain in my ears which seemed to help.
Have you tried sound therapy? What do you think about it? Do you know people who have tried it? What results have they obtained?
I haven’t tried sound therapy. There are people who have bennifited from it I’m not sure if it would help in my case. I’m afraid that it might make me worse
What medical tests have you had and with what results?
I have audiogram
How has your life changed since you have hyperacusis?
I had to retire from playing drums. I haven’t been able to listen to music or watch TV without subtitles. I feel anxious and depressed all the time. I beat myself up for causing this to happen. I have to avoid all social gatherings. I’m really scared about the future.
What do you want to learn about?
Do you have hyperacusis and have you ever felt misunderstood?
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